Need to raise money for your school or club but don’t want to sell fattening cookies or candy?
Our Hey U.G.L.Y.’s Laughtercising CD is the perfect answer. Laughter has been proven to reduce stress and impact weight loss.
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Laughing in the face of the economy Lead Story reported by Nadia Crow – The unstable economy is no laughing matter, but a group of Michaina students are using some unusual techniques to help people get through these difficult times.
A giggle, chuckle, or snicker may lead to a better lifestyle.
Doctors say they’ve been using laughter as medicine since the 1970s. And with plenty of things to be sad about in today’s economy, some LaPorte High School students spent their morning encouraging people to look on the bright side and laugh.
“I think laughter can make your day brighter and just automatically make you feel better inside,” said Mary Beth Burton who enjoys laughing.
That’s why Mary Beth Burton bought this hour long CD of laugher.
Unique Gifted Lovable You or UGLY is a non for profit organization all about teen self-esteem building.
“We face racism, we face bullying,” said Victor Vargas who laughs as his medicine.
LaPorte High School sophomore Victor Vargas is one of handful of Hey UGLY students who stood outside a grocery store in LaPorte on World Laughter Day to sell their disc and get people to chuckle in the face of various problems. Vargas says that laughing is his remedy.
“So you start laughing all of a sudden and you forget what you were all worried about. No stress, no self-esteem, you feel comfortable like you can let everything out,” said Vargas.
And in today’s economically unstable times, Registered Nurse Judy Dean says finding a bit of optimism and laughing when appropriate can help people get through difficult times.
“This is an extremely hard time now with the economy, but if the general public can just remember to see some of the bright sides of what’s going on,” said Registered Nurse Judy Dean.
This CD is an hour long, but all you need to do is laugh for 10 or 15 minutes to make yourself feel a whole lot better.
“You’re doing an intricate exercise to your diaphragm, your oxygen increases so your brain gets more oxygen,” said Dean.
And some research shows that laughing can also help you loose weight. But Dean says the best thing about laughing is that…
“It’s free. No one has to have a prescription,” said Dean.
All the proceeds from purchasing the ‘Laugh It Off’ CD will go straight to teen outreach programs in LaPorte.