12th Annual Photo Contest
Deadline is May 31, 2024 – Scroll down for rules & regulations

Most of us have witnessed someone being bullied but we don’t do anything to help. In fact, statistics show that 75% of those involved in bullying situations are bystanders who either urge the bully on or do nothing. So many of us see bullying happen but we don’t step in to help the person or persons being bullied. This is awful because some students are choosing to end their lives because of being bullying and some bring guns to schools. According to the Secret Service and Department of Education, research on 37 school shootings, including Columbine, found that almost three-quarters of student shooters felt bullied, threatened, attacked or injured by others. In fact, several shooters reported experiencing long-term and severe bullying and harassment from their peers.
You can help by submitting a picture that shows
You could win $100 cash prize, T-shirt, Certificate and News Release for your local media
Entries due May 31, 2024
Please follow our rules and regulations below.
2023-2024 Photo Contest Rules and Regulations:
All entries must be original, and submitted as a jpg file emailed to PreventBullyingNow@heyugly.org. Entrant’s name, age, grade, school, home address, email address and phone number must be included in the email. Contestants may enter contest more than once. Must be 7 – 17 to enter. Void where prohibited by law. All entries must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2024. All entries submitted for judging will become the exclusive property of Hey U.G.L.Y., Inc. and will not be returned to entrants. It will be deemed that permission and photo release forms have been attained by the photographer for use of any person/s likeness portrayed in photo. To determine the winner, all entries submitted will be judged on impact of message and originality. An independent panel of photographers will conduct judging. Judging will take place on or about July 15, 2024. Decisions of judges are final. Winner will be notified, by phone or mail, no later than September 15, 2024. First Prize is $100.00. To receive a written letter listing the winning entry, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Hey U.G.L.Y., PO Box 2142, Michigan City, IN 46361 by October 15, 2024. Winner need not be present to win. All taxes and any expenses not indicated herein are the sole responsibility of the winner. Any prize returned as undeliverable will be awarded to an alternate winner. Entry and acceptance of prize constitutes permission (except where prohibited by law) for sponsor and anyone it may authorize to use winners’ names, photographs or other likenesses, biographical information, hometowns and statements concerning the contest for purposes of advertising and promotion without compensation to the winner. Employees of Hey U.G.L.Y., Inc., its affiliated companies, participating partners and their respective advertising, promotion and production agencies and their immediate families are not eligible. Not responsible for lost, late illegible, mutilated, postage-due, misdirected mail, typographical or other errors. All prizes are guaranteed to be awarded.