Hey U.G.L.Y. has been seeking the wisdom of youth since 2002 in our
Stop Bullying Task Force Program, Stop Bullying Boot Camp, and in the pre- and post-questionnaires
schools give for our Bullying and Suicide Prevention Assembly Presentations.
We are constantly amazed at how smart and insightful YOU are. YOU are on the front lines of bullying so, if you are
between the ages of 7 to 17, please add your insights to the list below. Email them to us at: PreventBullyingNow@heyugly.org.
● Bullies bully kids with low self-esteem
● Bullies bully kids who are overweight
● Bullies bully kids who speak with a foreign accent
● Bullies bully kids who are Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender
● Bullies bully kids with speech impediments
● Bullies bully kids who are a different race/minorities
● Bullies bully people they know will not have any repercussions
● Bullies bully people who show fear
● Bullies bully kids they are jealous of
● Bullies bully kids who are already being bullied.
● Bullies bully people who act and look different, aren’t the norm.
● Bullies bully those who keep themselves on top and out of reality.
● Bullies bully themselves
● Bullies bully those who are a different religion
● Bullies bully kids who are poor and don’t wear cool clothes
We look forward to adding your wisdom to this list.