Words what do they mean to you?



Okay, Wikipedia and Webster define what words mean, but we want to know what you think.
How do you define things like bullying, jealousy, racism, love, hate, compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, etc?

Which words do you want to define?

Take words that mean something to you and email PreventBullyingNow@heyugly.org your personal definition.
We’ll add yours to the list below.

Jealousy – Getting so upset over other peoples lives that they control your own. (Urban Dictionary)
Respect – Valuing each others points of view. It means being open to being wrong. It means accepting people as they are. It means not dumping on someone because you’re having a bad day. It means being polite and kind always, because being kind to people is not negotiable. It means not dissing people because they’re different to you. It means not gossiping about people or spreading lies. (Urban Dictionary)

Bully, bul-lied, bul-ly-ing – To treat abusively. (Urban Dictionary)

Bullying – Somebody does or says something to you that puts you down or makes you feel hurt inside (in the heart). (Adrienne, Olivia, Silk)

Bullying – It’s when somebody hurts you purposely and in groups. (Darria, Maddy, Sydney)

Bullying – Hurting someone physically and mentally with words and actions. (Allen, Matthew, Scott)

Teasing – A lesser form of bullying that can stop and can be constructive. You have to know when to stop. (Alex, Alexcis, Elliott)

Teasing – Criticizing without harm. Constructive criticism. Word up! (Connor, LIndsey, Tony)

Teasing – Just fooling around, you don’t mean it. If you tease you sneeze. (Marty, Matt, Skyler)

Verbal Abuse – To abuse without physical contact, but simply by using words and insults. Any words a person uses to cause hurt feelings that are not necessary. (Urban Dictionary)