Hey UGLY for parents

This page is being developed at the request of parents who want to learn how they can be
a part of helping their kids deal with issues like bullying and conflict resolution.
Most parents entreat us to help them learn how to “talk” to their teens. How many of you
have heard your kids say, “You just don’t listen” and “You just don’t understand”?
The goal of this website is to give you practical advice not only from experts but from kids too.
We’ll also post notices of seminars and programs that can help you help your children.

Make sure to visit our teen/tween website at: heyugly.org.
It has cool quotes from celebrities about self-esteem and relationships, insights into bullying,
plus much more. While you’re there check out our radio show and contests.
Your kids could win valuable prizes.

If you are an educator please go to:  PreventBullyingNow

This site is under construction so check back to often to find more content. 

Until then enjoy this quote from Ken Stiegley, “I want my kids to do THEIR best, not my best, their best.” In the meantime, click on the picture below for some great info from Open Colleges.