We All Hurt Inside

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Lyrics by Betty Hoeffner & Wendy Martin/Music & Vocals by Wendy Martin

Verse 1
He walks down the hall with his head held high
Because you know he’s a popular guy
Good lookin’, hard playin’, first choice for all the coach’s team. Ah yeah
Nobody knows that when he’s at home
His Dad beats him down and he’s all alone
And he cries every night, wishing he were dead
Cuz he can’t stop the voices from yelling in his head
He’s got to be a man…. On him they all depend
But he feels like he’s not good enough cuz that’s what Daddy said

And the kid who get bullied wish that they could be
A little less like who they are and a whole lot more like he is
But if they only knew the pain he tries to hide
If they only knew sometimes ……we all hurt inside

Verse 2
She’s a popular girl who is loved by all
She is confident but she’s afraid to fall
She’s got a strong body, good heart, she can make the grade, she’s every teacher’s dream. Ah yeah
But when she gets home her Momma starts right in
She says, “You’d be a pretty girl if you were only thin.”
And she feels so ashamed cuz she’s always trying to be the perfect girl that everyone expects her to be
She can’t fight the pain that’s building in her heart
So she sits inside her room and takes a razor to her arm

Chorus 2
And the kids who get bullied wish that they could be
A little less like who they are and a whole lot more like she is
But if they only knew the pain she tries to hide
If they only knew sometimes …..we all hurt inside

It doesn’t matter if you’re popular, a loner or a geek
It doesn’t matter who you love or who you want to be
All it takes is kindness to heal a broken heart
All it takes is you……knowing who you are.

Chorus outro
We have all been bullied, look around and see
There’s so much in common between you and me
Sometimes life is hard, you don’t have to hide
Just remember that sometimes, we all hurt inside.
Yeah, we all hurt inside sometimes

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Hey U.G.L.Y. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Volunteer opportunities are available. Please email  PreventBullyingNow@heyugly.org for details.