Category: Celebrities Who Were Bullied

Rumer Willis


“As a teenager I was super awkward. I never felt comfortable in my body or with how I looked. People were nasty. People would say  that I looked like a man or something called a buttaface. Potato head was a term that everyone used a lot and basically made fun of the way I looked. For years I thought maybe I can get plastic surgery. If I change my face, if I get really skinny,  then that will be it, that will be the answer. IT’S NOT!  My sister Tullah was in rehab and I was really inspired because she didn’t try to hide from it. She owned it. She was in the mindset of saying, ‘here are my flaws and it’s okay. I’m still me and I’m still beautiful and it doesn’t matter.’ I just realized that I could feel the same way and I need to stop listening to the bullies. No matter what you look like, no matter where you’re from, you’re completely deserving of love and value.” Dancing With The Stars

Nick Vujicic


“My experiences with bullies left me feeling intimidated, depressed, anxious and sick to my stomach. If you know my personal story, you’ll remember that most grade school days ended with tears and on one occasion led me to a failed suicide attempt. I didn’t tell my parents when I was picked on because I didn’t want to upset them. I thought I could handle it myself, but I was wrong. I should have told them. As I travel around the world talking to tens of thousands of  young people, it is evident that no one is immune from being bullied. This epidemic is not unique to North America. Bullying is a global issue.”  Nick’s book, Life Without Limits

Miley Cyrus


“The girls took it beyond normal bullying. These were big, tough girls, I was scrawny and short. They were fully capable of doing me bodily harm. They shoved me in [the school bathroom]. I was trapped. I banged on the door until my fists hurt. Nobody came. I spent what felt like an hour in there, waiting for someone to rescue me, wondering how my life had gotten so messed up…”   Miley Cyrus in her book Miles To Go

Michael Phelps


MICHAEL PHELPS on being bullied on YAHOO Sports

Often bullied about his lisp and his big ears, Michael Phelps said in an interview, “It’s kind of crazy. When I do go up around where I used to live [in Baltimore], you still see the same people who were picking on me. They’re still around, busing tables or whatever, probably still acting the same way. They’ll try to talk to me and I’m thinking, ‘Yeah, why are talking to me now? You were picking on me then.””

Justin Timberlake

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE on feeling like an outcast on The Ellen Show

“I grew up in Tennessee, and if you didn’t play football, you were a sissy. I got slurs all the time because I was in music and art . . . I was an outcast in a lot of ways . . . but everything that you get picked on for or you feel makes you weird is essentially what’s going to make you sexy as an adult.”

John Barrowman



“I knew at a very young age that I was gay. I was walking back to my locker and this kid caught up to me and he called me “fag”, punched me in the face, shoved me in the locker and shut the door. What do you do? You’re mortified, you’re embarrassed, you just think, what do I tell my mom and dad?”

Barrowman eventually stood up to his bully.

“You can hit me, you can punch me, and you can bully me and do everything you want. Punch me in the face as many times you want, but I will always get back up.”

Barrowman  cautions that you shouldn’t try to do it alone.

“You have to find people around you to support you, right? Your friends. Your family. We all love super heroes. Why not be one? So make a stand for who you are and make a stand for someone else.”