Month: January 2019

Suzanne Somers

“I believed wrongly that if I could just be perfect he, my father, would love me enough to not have a drink. At night when alcohol made my Dad especially violent, we would all get hurt physically or emotionally. The booze made him act viciously and say terrible things; “You’re stupid, hopeless, worthless, you’re nothing, you’re a big zero.” Sadly, his rants became my reality. I believed I was what he said.”  People Magazine

Jonah Hill

“The journey is self-acceptance and self-love. I believe everybody has this snapshot of themselves. It’s a snapshot that they kinda want to hide from the world. And mine was being like this 14-year old over weight kid kinda feeling ugly to the world wanting to fit in with this group of skateboarders. People are all just different but they hurt just as much. It was a liberating way to spend these last few years figuring out who I am as a person, how do you love yourself, and how do you be yourself and be the artist that you are with out apologizing for it”  Late Night with Seth Myers