Brooke Butler


“I don’t think there’s ever really a full recovery from eating disorders. You have to work at it every day. Of course, there are mornings when I don’t exactly love what I see in the mirror. Then I’ll make a point to look at everything I’m nitpicking about myself my stomach, my legs, my arms, and imagine that I’m talking to someone else. If I were talking to someone I love, like my little brother or my mom, could I tell them the terrible things I say to myself during the worst of my eating disorder? Of course not! I just have to focus on not saying those things to myself, either. At the end of the day, you can’t start recovering from an eating disorder until you learn to accept and love yourself. The only person who can truly decide if you’re going to start your recovery is you. You have to be 100% determined to do it. But once you realize all the fun, happiness, joy, and accomplishments disordered eating causes you to miss out on, that’s when you’ll find the will to take a different road. And know that I’m right there on it with you.” GL

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